The Felixstowe Book Festival 2016

The Felixstowe Book Festival 2016

This is Alpha Zulu, a Piper Arrow with Attitude….

I am really excited about the Felixstowe Book Festival later this month. I shall be there, alongside fellow authors Rosy Thornton and Mary Powles, and we shall be talking about our novels and how Suffolk has influenced or lent itself to our different genres and writing styles.
Set in Suffolk – (Sunday 26th June at 1:30pm.)

Find out more about us, the festival and ‘Set in Suffolk’.
Felixstowe Book Festival, 2016
I hitched a flight to take some promotional photos in an attempt to inspire readers to visit Felixstowe and the Book Festival.

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Alpha Zulu coming in to land with… not a lot of Altitude. (I was on board!)


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This an Aerial Shot of Felixstowe through the cockpit….


I hope you can understand why I shall be describing how The Utterly Crime Series has been inspired by, and infused with ‘Suffolk’.