Held in one of Bury St Edmund’s most impressive buildings, the Unitarian Meeting House in Churchgate Street, it was a pleasure to attend and indeed feature in the Literature Festival on the 27th October 2019. It was a first for me to be talking with a backdrop of a sweeping wooden staircase circling up to a substantial wooden pulpit! It was very atmospheric with the light streaming in through the tall windows and Waterstones there with a table of festival authors’ books.
We had a wonderful audience with plenty of interest and questions, as Jackie, Rachel and I talked about our independent approaches to publishing and our various experiences. Our different genres lend themselves to contrasting methods of reaching our audiences, for example – Rachel writes post apocalyptic adventure for Young Adults, Jackie writes literary fiction as well as being a playwright, and I write contemporary crime novels set in Suffolk. That’s quite a mix of styles, and led to a lively talk about ebooks, paperbacks, audiobooks and the stage. We could have talked for far longer than our allocated time – it always feels good when you leave an audience wanting more!
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